Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Synonym for World: Remarkable

Here's my take on the wonder full creation called the world.

The world is an enormous place consisting of not only 7 wonders but numerous startling places. Even the smallest of places that might seem normal to some, but to others it might seem beautiful. But then again, that's just my opinion.

Everything has it's own uniqueness, thus making it remarkable. What's really amazing is aside from the human-made wonders, the nature's wonders are more marvelous.

A shooting star
It's not everyday that you see a beautiful scene such as a shooting star/comet. And when that happens the sky turns astonishing shades of blue, with clouds that seem so incredibly salient.
The moons appears to be hovering over the clouds and all eyes are on the falling star in the sky.
Now who can miss that.

Cherry Blossom
There's one striking beauty that informs everyone of Spring. And of course that beauty being a Cherry Blossom. It's a great symbol for the changing nature of life.