Saturday, May 29, 2010

Outlandish Place

Frosty Switzerland

As fun as it would sound to be in a place where everything is snow white, and crystalline, as if a snow globe, it doesn't seem like a idyllic place. I guess people can look at this in two perspectives. Some would actually enjoy this "cool weather" adventure, while other might find it to be cold torture.

Usually in most places people wake up to snow or rainy days in the winter. And usually it's about taking snow off of the car and shoveling the drive way, but not here. Imagine waking up and seeing you car like this. Yikes!! Not only would this ice take ages to remove but the damage it could cause the cars is unimaginable.

This image looks fascinating because it looks as if the people are walking on water. The car also look as if they are floating and the trees seem like Christmas ornaments.

Overall a nice view to see in pictures, but in reality living there would be more then just hectic.